I can help you channel your passions into a thriving business and set you on the path to freedom in 2024!

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Today is your time to remove the fear and launch it!
I'm Ready! Let's do this, Lynette 🎉

If any of these sound like you, then you're in the right place.

“I'm stuck in my career and thinking about life after retirement. I'm ready to take the reins by starting my own business, my way.”

"I'm at a major turning point in my life. I'm looking for a fulfilling way to make money, but I don't know where to begin; everything feels overwhelming right now."

"I have a hobby or a small business idea, and I'm keen to grow it into something bigger that makes me happy and financially secure."

"My current job just isn't fulfilling anymore. I dream of starting my own business, but I'm not sure where to start.”

You're not alone!

"I know the journey you're contemplating because I've walked it."

When I turned 50, I stood at a pivotal crossroads. After 18 years of being a single mom, an empty nest prompted me to think, "What's Next?"

My dream of launching an online business was calling. When I started down the path, I quickly realized that it involved countless hours of navigating the intricate world of technology, building an email list from scratch, mastering social media, and the exhilarating yet challenging quest of finding that first client.

I needed a system to follow, so I drew on my corporate consultant background and figured out how to bring my vision to life.

I'm sharing the path I took in my Passion to Profit Blueprint program.

I understand the unique journey women like you face when starting a business later in life and how fun it can be when someone supports you.

I'm here as your coach and guide, especially if the conventional idea of retirement doesn't quite resonate with you.

Are you ready to embrace this journey?🎉

"Lynette literally changed my life. I was stuck in an uninspiring 9-5 job, going nowhere. I found her program very challenging. In the end I had the tools and the inspiration to work out what was important to me and how to go after it. Now, I have my own consultancy doing what I love when and where I want. Living my best life. " - Gill

Here is the path I will guide you on to achieve success: 

Join a Community of Like-Minded Women

For 16 weeks, immerse yourself in a supportive community of women sharing your goals. We'll navigate the highs and lows together, leveraging collective wisdom and experience. This community aspect has been pivotal in my journey and will be transformational in yours.

Design Your Business

Every Monday, during our first 4 weeks, expect hands-on coaching and experiential workshops. We'll dive into designing a business that truly reflects your passions, covering everything you need to attract your first client.

Implement Your Business

The following 12 Mondays, are all about implementation. Bring your real-world questions and challenges to the table. With the support of our community, we'll tackle obstacles, share learnings, and celebrate our victories.

Personalized Support Every Step of the Way

Every Friday, join me for dedicated support sessions. Here, you can ask any question, work through specific challenges, or seek personalized guidance. These sessions are your opportunity for tailored support to meet your unique needs.

Bonus Resources for Holistic Support


To complement our hands-on work, I've crafted a suite of resources for you. These tools will help you manage your mindset, set a compelling vision for your future, and achieve a balanced, fulfilling life as you grow your business.

"Underpinning the whole experience is Lynette who is empathetic, encouraging and generous with her expertise. She is a consistently positive presence, creating a like minded community of strong and authentic women."

"What I loved most about Lynette's program was the community it created, meeting with other women who were going through similar struggles. The exercises were challenging and pushed me out of my comfort zone, helping me overcome my imposter syndrome and giving me the confidence to commit to growing my consulting side-hustle into a real business." 

What makes 

Passion to Profit Blueprint 

different from other programs?


You're not just joining a course; you're stepping into a journey uniquely crafted for Women Over 50. 

Here's what makes this program stand out:

⬥ Tailored for Your Next Chapter: Specifically designed to help you turn your passions into a profitable business, embracing where you are in life.

⬥ Beyond Online Tutorials: Engage in a community that offers emotional support, practical skills, and shared wisdom that enriches your entire experience.

⬥ Empowerment and Support: Connect with inspiring women, build your personal brand, and gain the confidence to tackle any business challenge.

⬥ Transform Your Passions: With my support, launch a business that aligns with your passions and perfectly fits your desired lifestyle.


You have questions, I have answers.

If you dont see your question here please email me [email protected]

I’m personally inviting you to step boldly into your dreams again.

Join Passion to Profit Blueprint

On a personal note, I love helping women feel confident and in control of their next chapter in life.

My wish for you is to fulfill your dreams and create a life that leads by example, leaving more than a legacy of boxes.

Time Freedom. Location Freedom. Entreprenuerial Freedom. Whatever freedom means to you, I'm here to help you achieve it.

So, if you're feeling that inner call to step into a life of freedom to turn your passions into a thriving business, join me in Passion to Profit Blueprint.

Together, we will:

  • Harness your unique talents and experiences, turning them into a successful business.
  • Navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories - I'll be with you every step of the way.
  • Build not just a business but a life that resonates with the very essence of who you are.

See you on the inside!

Lynette xo 


I'm ready! Let's Do This, Lynette🎉