7. How Poop Was the Catalyst for Fulfilling a Purpose With Denise VanNooten

Season #1

Many of us have been led down a "stereotypical" life path. You graduate from school, find yourself a spouse who shares similar interests to yours (or not), start a family and work your corporate job for 40+ years... Although we've all been taught this leads to success & happiness -we may feel that something's missing. If you're feeling lost or unfulfilled in the modern world - keep reading because I've got ya covered ;)

What if you took a leap of faith? That's what Gut Health Coach & ex-pro bodybuilder Denise VanNooten did when she left her corporate job to take the chance on herself. In this episode, she shares how being strategic in your approach is key - by making plans and executing them with courage!

How badly do you want change? What would happen if you tried and it worked!

Listen to this episode to find inspiration and the courage you already have within.

You can find more about Denise on her Instagram @denisevannootenhealthyliving or check out denisevannootenhealthyliving.com

Plus, take her quiz to find out the right foods for your gut type: https://quiz.denisevannootenhealthyliving.com/sf/f1a9f756 

Thinking about making a change but not sure where to start?

Get started identifying your Purpose Statement with my simple template. 

Download the worksheet https://programs.lynetteturner.com/purpose_statement_guide

Like this episode? Subscribe & rate my podcast on your favorite platform:

  1. Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/this-is-50-freedom-through-passions/id1606795908
  2. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4HZb54dt8DwPnKKXKQhhPy?si=146a2ccffea3497b
  3. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LLIUaBlFZZC2rOZZquqiw

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Learn more about the ELA Community: https://programs.lynetteturner.com/coming-soon 


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