9. Cutting the BS Out of Menopause With Dr. Louann Brizendine

Season #1

Menopause is a word that carries so many misconceptions, fears, and bullsh*t. In this episode, my guest and I are breaking new ground on the developmental stages of women after 50.

Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Louann Brizendine, the NYT bestseller author, joins me in sharing her reframe on menopause, aka The Upgrade.

Dr. Louann takes us through some highlights of her new book, The Upgrade - How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond.

We cover everything from the three stages of the Upgrade, Radical Self Care, newfound purpose in your second half, hormone therapy, protecting your energy, to sex in the Upgrade.

"From my life, the lives of women who've come to see me, my friends, and the research, I know that freedom from the reproductive phase is an amazing, extraordinary, and now a much longer period of a woman's life than ever. I think the Upgrade can redefine what it means to be female." - Dr. Louann

We are cutting the BS out of menopause. Get your hands on the first chapter of The Upgrade here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/591607/the-upgrade-by-louann-brizendine-md/

You can find more about Dr. Louann on Instagram: @louannbrizendine or louannbrizendine.com

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