21. Trusting Your Intuition to Make a Change With Theresa Smith

Season #1

You know that feeling when you put all your effort into something, and then when you finally achieve it, it turns out to be not quite what you thought?

Regardless of what you want, we create stories in our minds that affirm decisions instead of listening to our intuition that maybe it's not the right thing.

We've all been there, and on my latest episode of This Is 50, Theresa Smith shares the steps she worked through as she hit a crossroads in her journey of discovering "what's next."

Theresa is finally living her purpose as a leadership coach but only after realizing she was forging the wrong path forward.

As an experienced corporate executive and co-founder of a startup, Theresa finally learned to release the ego that was keeping her away from her life's purpose.

The life-changing moment came when she finally acknowledged what she refers to as the "breadcrumbs" that kept showing up on her path but never actioned.

This moment made her realize that she's always been fueled by helping others grow and develop rather than continuing to exploit her functional expertise.

Theresa wanted to find a way to help leaders be their best and impact the world. Fast forward 3 years, and Theresa is now running her own business - The LeaderSmith.

Tune in to hear how following the breadcrumbs eventually turned into a business aligned with her purpose and values and how she leaned on her community to make it happen.

"My purpose is to make the world a better place through leadership by helping leaders on their journey." - Theresa

Episode highlights you won't want to miss:

  • 8:22 - Why it's so important to align with your values when deciding your What’s Next.
  • 9:20 - How Theresa had her ‘aha’ moment about wanting to start her own business that aligned with her purpose.
  • 25:29 - Theresa talks about the steps she took to finding her purpose and starting her side hustle
  • 30:50 - How creating a community can help you achieve your dreams.
  • 32:31 - How we can use awareness, choice, and intention as the ingredients for meeting what we want in our life. 3
  • 8:10 - The importance of talking-to ourselves with grace & gentleness.

You can learn more about Theresa on Instagram @iamtheresasmith

Thinking about making a change but not sure where to start? Get started identifying your Purpose Statement with my simple template.

Download the worksheet https://programs.lynetteturner.com/purpose_statement_guide

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