33. Turning Life's Curveballs into Entrepreneurial Ventures with Stephanie Lehr

Season #1

In the latest episode of "This Is 50", we host the inspiring Stephanie Lehr, a dedicated disability management counsellor and mental health advocate. Stephanie delves into her rich experience, highlighting her role in assisting individuals to reintegrate into the workplace after overcoming significant challenges. More personally, she shares her transformative journey through divorce and how it sparked her passion to aid others navigating similar paths. Offering invaluable insights for budding entrepreneurs, Stephanie discusses the importance of self-awareness, the power of mentorship, and the essence of drawing inspiration from past experiences and influential figures. Join us for a deep dive into Stephanie's journey and garner inspiration to chase your own passions.

You can learn more about Stephanie on Instagram https://instagram.com/stephanielehrofficial?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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