36. Breaking Barriers on Women's Health & Entrepreneurship with Sue Salenger

An essential listen for women seeking to navigate their health and entrepreneurial endeavours with confidence and knowledge. In this insightful session, author Sue Salenger shares her experiences and profound understanding of women's health and the entrepreneurial spirit. She delves into how entrepreneurship significantly shapes personal identity and growth, offering invaluable advice for women embarking on this path. The discussion also explores Sue's inspiration behind her impactful book, 'Sidelined: How Women Can Navigate a Broken Healthcare System,' which addresses women's hurdles in healthcare decision-making. This episode highlights the necessity of open conversations about women's health, advocating for self-advocacy in medical settings, and understanding gender-based communication differences with healthcare professionals. Listeners will appreciate the emphasis on seeking second opinions, understanding the psychological facets of women's healthcare, and being proactive in health matters. Additionally, Sue gives a sneak peek into her upcoming book addressing shame and gaslighting in healthcare.

You can learn more about Sue on her website: https://www.susansalenger.com/ 

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